Connect with the Faces Behind the Brand

Maximilian Stephan Schnorpfeil

Meet Max, our passionate engineer with a flair for innovation and a love for adventure. With a background in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration, Max's expertise lies in combining technical prowess with entrepreneurial vision. His creative mind and passion for electronics drive him to develop cutting-edge gadgets. Beyond his professional pursuits, you can often find Max scaling new heights while indulging in his love for climbing or exploring the world through his travels.

Stefan Maximilian Schweiger

Say hello to Stefan, our multifaceted sales and business development maven who brings a creative edge to everything he does. With a curious mind and a passion for exploration, Stefan thrives on uncovering global business opportunities. Beyond the professional realm, you'll find him indulging in his love for culinary arts, experimenting with flavors in the kitchen, and expressing his artistic side through painting. An avid sports enthusiast, Stefan also embraces the thrill of physical challenges, always ready to tackle new adventures.


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